34 Ft Custom Made Catamaran - Punta Cana Чартери чамаца

О овој јахти

34 Ft Custom Made Catamaran powered by twin Mercury Outboard 90 HP engines, offers a relaxing, pleasant catamaran experience in Punta Cana. It is the perfect option to enjoy the beauty of the ocean & scenery from Punta Cana\'s surroundings. It was constructed & refitted in the year 2000.

A magnificent reef is the first stop on the tours, and you can snorkel there if you\'d like. This is a stunning reef, full of healthy coral reefs and schools of tropical fish.

BOAT CAPACITY: Very comfortable, it can carry up to 16 passengers.

NOTE: The charter company provides pick-up services from all hotels in the Punta Cana region. It\'s important that you get in touch with the charter company after making a reservation to make final arrangements (we will share with you the contact details of the charter company, as soon as we will receive the deposit amount). The day before the activity, the charter firm often notifies the customers.

Trip Details


TRANSPORTATION: The charter company provides pick-up services from all hotels in the Punta Cana region.

You will be transported to the destination from outside the hotel lobby. The drive shouldn\'t take more than 50 minutes, depending on the hotel. Don\'t forget to phone the charter company\'s office to receive the exact pick-up time.

AT THE BEACH: As soon as you get to the beach meeting location, where your crew will be waiting for you, you will find that you have gotten ahead of the queue while clients of other charter companies are waiting for the cruise\'s boat day excursion.

Your captain will provide you with a brief explanation of what you are going to do.

Suggestion: Please advise your captain what you prefer—do you want to spend more time snorkelling, go on more adventures, or just cruise?

ACTIVITIES: There is a stunning variety of fish to see in the snorkeling region. Because it\'s so popular with our guests. Obviously, everything depends on the weather and whether the fish are shy on that particular day.

AFTER SNORKELING: You will be provided refreshments and drinks after snorkelling. You can request your captain to take you ashore to a pristine beach after you\'ve enjoyed the refreshments and beverages (Playa de los Cocos - Coconuts Beach). Or, for a wonderful adventure, try drinking water straight from a coconut that has just been plucked from a palm tree.

NATURAL POOL: Everyone enjoys seeing the natural pool, where everyone can enter the water (4 feet above the ground), drink, dance, and generally enjoys the Caribbean way of life.

You can ask the captain to move into the natural pool if there are too many people or if the party boat is too crowded. You did hire a private boat for that purpose, exactly, right?

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  • thumb Уплатите депозит и стање у тренутку чартера

Нудимо следећа путовања

  • Private Charter (3H)
    $650 USD

    SCHEDULE: The journey is a Charter (Private Boat). Three (3) slots, depart at:
    09:00, 12:00, and 03:00.

    INCLUDES: Open Bar with water, sodas, beer, and rum.

    Nachos are also served with one (1) Sandwich (ham & cheese) for each guest.

    NOTE: The default price covers a Group of up 10 passengers. The additional passenger rate is $65.00 USD per passenger, max 16.

    UPGRADE SERVICE (optional extras): Additional hours on the boat, sandwiches, lunch on board, liquors, and cake are supplied upon prior request at an additional cost.

    Additional Passenger rate: 65 USD


Да ли је потребно да се бринем да ћу добити морску болест?
Која је разлика између приватне повеље и редовне/ заједничке/ јавне повеље?
Да ли нудите чартере без чамца?
Које информације су вам потребне од мене да ми пошаљете понуду за најам брода?
Који су ваши услови плаћања?
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Одаберите време и датум закупа брода


Questions or Requests

Your Contact Details

Калкулација цене

Подразумевана стопа: 800 USD

Пак Укључено у подразумевану стопу: 4

Додатна стопа путника: 80 USD

Основна цена: 550 USD

Укупна цена: 550 USD

Депозит 0 USD

Стање: 550 USD

Још увек није потребно плаћање!
1/ Прво ћемо вам послати потврду о доступности чамца.
2/ Ако одлучите да кренете даље и резервишете чартер, можете само да кликнете на линк за плаћање, да уплатите мали депозит (макс. 15%). Веза за плаћање ће бити послата са потврдом доступности.
3/ Када се депозит уплати, добићете веома детаљну потврду путовања.

Шта клијенти кажу о нашој услузи

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    Одличан дан за пецање у становима. Ухваћена дозвола, Баракуда и огроман Тарпон. Капетан и чамац су били сјајни и створени за одличан дан!

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